Habitat will be added to the existing pastures like this one above at our Woodlawn Hunting Club facility.
As the landowner representative of the club, I am excited to lead the effort in adding more food plots and habitat on the land for not only the deer, but other small game as well. Most of the plots will be a combination of clover and oats, but I will be experimenting with other legumes and annual crops that deer enjoy.
Habitat forage will begin each Spring as well, allowing everything to return to their natural stands. However, every 3-5 years these areas will be burned/disked to maintain them in the grass and forb stage.
There are 13 plots equaling about 5 acres of field peas and brown top millet that are re-seeded every year. The rains have provided us with a good stand. In the fall, we will convert some of these to perennial plots with clover and oats.
~ Tom Moss